Voici une liste des espèces de mammifères pour lesquelles je dispose de photos. La liste est continuellement mise à jour. un travail long et fastidieux, plus ou moins à jour au gré de mes pérégrinations herpétologiques ! Dans le tableau, un lien est associé à la plupart des espèces. Ce lien renvoie vers quelques exemples de photos du spécimen qui existent dans ma bibliothèque (n’hésitez pas à rafraîchir si la page flickr ne renvoie vers aucun résultat). [En cours !]
Here is a list of mammals that I have available in photos. The list is continuously updated. a long and tedious work, more or less up to date according to my herpetological wanderings! In the table, a link is associated with most species. This link refers to some examples of photos of the specimen that exist in my library (feel free to refresh if the flickr page does not return any results). [IN PROGRESS…]
Liste des mammifères – Mammals List
Espèce / Species | Photo | English name | Nom français | Taxonomy | Lieu / Location |
Alouatta palliata | X | Mantled Howler Monkey | Hurleur du Guatemala | Atelidae | COSTA RICA |
Anoura fistulata | X | Tube-lipped nectar bat | Chauve souris | Phyllostomidae | ECUADOR |
Apodemus flavicollis | X | Yellow-necked Field Mouse | Mulot à collier | Muridae | FRANCE |
Apodemus sylvaticus | X | European Wood Mouse | Mulot sylvestre | Muridae | FRANCE |
Arvicola sapidus | Poor | Southern Water Vole | Campagnol amphibie | Cricetidae | FRANCE |
Ateles geoffroyi | X | Black-handed Spider Monkey | Atèle de Geoffroy | Atelidae | COSTA RICA |
Atlantoxerus getulus | X | Barbary Ground Squirrel | Ecureuil de Barbarie | Sciuridae | MOROCCO |
Barbastella barbastellus | X | Western Barbastelle | Barbastelle d’Europe | Vespertilionidae | FRANCE |
Blastocerus dichotomus | X | Marsh Deer | Cerf des Marais | Cervidae | BRAZIL |
Bradypus variegatus | X | Bolivian Three-toed Sloth | Paresseux à gorge brune | Bradypodidae | COSTA RICA |
Capra pyrenaica | X | Iberian Ibex | Bouquetin ibérique | Bovidae | SPAIN |
Capreolus capreolus | X | Western Roe Deer | Chevreuil européen | Cervidae | FRANCE |
Cebus capucinus | X | Central American White-faced Capuchin | Cebidae | COSTA RICA | |
Cercopithecus mitis | X | Blue Monkey | Cercopithèque à diadème | Cercopithecidae | KENYA |
Cervus elaphus | X | Eurasian Red Deer | Cerf élaphe | Cervidae | SPAIN |
Chionomys nivalis | X | European Snow Vole | Campagnol des neiges | Cricetidae | FRANCE |
Chlorocebus tantalus | X | Tantalus Monkey | Tantale | Cercopithecidae | UGANDA |
Choloepus hoffmanni | X | Hoffmann’s Two-toed Sloth | Unau d’Hoffmann | Megalonychidae | COSTA RICA |
Chrotopterus auritus | X | Big-eared Woolly Bat | Phyllostomidae | BRAZIL | |
Coendou mexicanus | X | Mexican hairy dwarf porcupine | Porc-épic d’arbre mexicain | Erethizontidae | COSTA RICA |
Crocidura russula | X | Greater White-toothed Shrew | Crocidure musette | Soricidae | FRANCE |
Crocidura suaveolens | X | Lesser White-toothed Shrew | Crocidure des jardins | Soricidae | FRANCE |
Dasyprocta azarae | X | Azara’s Agouti | Agouti d’Azara | Dasyproctidae | BRAZIL |
Dasyprocta punctata | X | Central American Agouti | Agouti Ponctu | Dasyproctidae | COSTA RICA |
Dasypus novemcinctus | X | Nine-banded Armadillo | Tatou à 9 bandes | Dasypodidae | COSTA RICA – BRAZIL |
Didelphis marsupialis | X | Black-eared Opossum | Sarigue Australe | Didelphidae | ECUADOR |
Erinaceus europaeus | X | Common Hedgehog | Hérisson d’Europe | Erinaceidae | FRANCE |
Gazella dorcas | X | Dorcas Gazelle | Gazelle dorcas | Bovidae | ISRAEL |
Genetta genetta | X | Common Genet | Genette d’Europe | Viverridae | FRANCE |
Genetta maculata | X | Rusty-spotted Genet | Genette à taches rousses | Viverridae | MALAWI |
Glis glis | Poor | Edible Dormouse | Loir gris | Gliridae | FRANCE |
Hippopotamus amphibius | X | Common Hippopotamus | Hippopotame amphibie | Hippopotamidae | UGANDA |
Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris | X | Capybara | Capybara | Caviidae | BRAZIL |
Hylochoerus meinertzhageni | X | Giant forest hog | Hylochère | Suidae | UGANDA |
Jaculus jaculus | X | Lesser Egyptian Jerboa | Gerboise du désert | Dipodidae | MOROCCO |
Kobus ellipsiprymnus | X | Crawshay Waterbuck | Cobe onctueux | Bovidae | UGANDA |
Kobus kob thomasi | X | Uganda Kob | Kob d’Ouganda | Bovidae | UGANDA |
Leopardus pardalis | X | Ocelot | Ocelot | Felidae | BRAZIL |
Lepus europaeus | X | European Brown Hare | Lièvre d’Europe | Leporidae | FRANCE |
Loxodonta africana | X | African Bush Elephant | Eléphant d’Afrique | Elephantidae | UGANDA |
Macaca nemestrina | X | Southern Pig-tailed Macaque | Macaque crabier | Cercopithecidae | MALAYSIA |
Marmosa sp. | X | Mouse Opossums | Oppossum | Didelphidae | MEXICO – FRENCH GUIANA – ECUADOR |
Marmota marmota | X | Alpine Marmot | Marmotte des Alpes | Sciuridae | FRANCE |
Martes foina | X | Beech Marten | Fouine | Mustelidae | FRANCE |
Martes martes | X | Eurasian Pine Marten | Martre des pins | Mustelidae | FRANCE |
Microtus agrestis | X | Field Vole | Campagnol agreste | Cricetidae | FRANCE – SPAIN |
Microtus arvalis | X | Common Vole | Campagnol des champs | Cricetidae | FRANCE – SPAIN |
Mungos mungo | X | Banded Mongoose | Mangouste rayée | Herpestidae | UGANDA |
Mus musculus | X | Eurasian House Mouse | Souris domestique | Muridae | FRANCE |
Mus spretus | X | Algerian Mouse | Souris d’Afrique du Nord | Muridae | SPAIN |
Mustela lutreola | X | Eurasian Mink | Vison d’Europe | Mustelidae | FRANCE |
Mustela nivalis | X | European Weasel | Belette d’Europe | Mustelidae | FRANCE |
Myocastor coypus | X | Coypu | Ragondin | Echimyidae | FRANCE |
Myodes glareolus | X | Bank Vole | Campagnol roussâtre | Cricetidae | FRANCE |
Myrmecophaga tridactyla | X | Giant Anteater | Grand fourmillier | Myrmecophagidae | BRAZIL |
Nasua narica | X | White-nosed Coati | Coati à nez blanc | Procyonidae | COSTA RICA |
Neomys anomalus | X | Miller’s Water Shrew | Crossope de Miller | Soricidae | FRANCE |
Neovison vison | X | American Mink | Vison d’Amérique | Mustelidae | FRANCE |
Odocoileus virginianus | X | Common American Deer | Cerf de Virginie | Cervidae | COSTA RICA |
Ondatra zibethicus | X | Common Muskrat | Rat musqué | Cricetidae | FRANCE |
Oryctolagus cuniculus | X | Common Rabbit | Lapin de garenne | Leporidae | FRANCE |
Papio anubis | X | Olive Baboon | Babouin olive | Cercopithecidae | UGANDA |
Pecari tajacu | X | Collared Peccary | Pécari à collier | Tayassuidae | COSTA RICA |
Phacochoerus africanus | X | Common Warthog | Phacochère commun | Suidae | UGANDA |
Procyon lotor | X | American Raccoon | Raton laveur | Procyonidae | COSTA RICA |
Psammomys obesus | X | Fat Sand Rat | Rat des sables | Muroidae | MOROCCO |
Pteronura brasiliensis | X | Giant Brazilian Otter | Loutre géante | Mustelidae | FRENCH GUIANA – BRAZIL |
Pteropus sp. | X | Flying Fox | Grande roussette | Pteropodidae | INDONESIA |
Rattus norvegicus | X | Norwegian Rat | Rat surmulot | Muridae | FRANCE |
Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | X | Greater Horseshoe Bat | Grand Rhinolophe | Rhinolophidae | FRANCE |
Rhinolophus hipposideros | X | Lesser Horseshoe Bat | Petit Rhinolophe | Rhinolophidae | FRANCE |
Rupicapra pyrenaica | X | Abruzzo Chamois | Isard | Bovidae | FRANCE |
Rusa timorensis | X | Timor Deer | Cerf de Timor | Cervidae | INDONESIA |
Saimiri sciureus | X | Common Squirrel Monkey | Singe écureuil commun | Cebidae | COSTA RICA |
Sciurus variegatoides | X | Variagated Squirrel | Sciuridae | COSTA RICA | |
Sciurus vulgaris | X | Eurasian Red Squirrel | Ecureuil roux | Sciuridae | FRANCE |
Sorex coronatus | X | Crowned Shrew | Musaraigne couronnée | Soricidae | FRANCE |
Sus scrofa | X | Eurasian Wild Pig | Sanglier d’Europe | Suidae | FRANCE |
Sylvicapra grimmia | X | Bush Duiker | Céphalophe de Grimm | Bovidae | KENYA |
Syncerus caffer | X | African Buffalo | Buffle d’Afrique | Bovidae | UGANDA |
Talpa (europaea) aquitania | X | Aquitanian (european) Mole | Taupe d’Aquitaine (d’Europe) | Talpidae | FRANCE |
Tamandua tetradactyla | Poor | Collared Anteater | Tamandou | Myrmecophagidae | FRENCH GUIANA – BRAZIL |
Tapirus terrestris | X | Brazilian Tapir | Tapir terrestre | Tapiridae | BRAZIL |
Uroderma bilobatum | X | Tent-maiking Bat | Phyllostomidae | COSTA RICA | |
Ursus arctos | Poor | Brown Bear | Ours brun | Ursidae | SPAIN |
Vulpes vulpes | X | Red Fox | Renard roux | Canidae | FRANCE – SPAIN |