Voici une liste des espèces de serpents pour lesquelles je dispose de photos. La liste est continuellement mise à jour. un travail long et fastidieux, plus ou moins à jour au gré de mes pérégrinations herpétologiques ! Dans le tableau, un lien est associé à la plupart des espèces. Ce lien renvoie vers quelques exemples de photos du spécimen qui existent dans ma bibliothèque (n’hésitez pas à rafraîchir si la page flickr ne renvoie vers aucun résultat). Le tableau indique, pour chaque espèce, de quel type de photo je dispose (photo in situ ou photo sur fond blanc), et le lieu de la prise de photo. Les noms vernaculaires et la taxonomie (plus ou moins à jour selon les spécialistes) sont à titre indicatif. [En cours !]
Here is a list of the snake species that I have available in photos. The list is continuously updated. a long and tedious work, more or less up to date according to my herpetological wanderings! In the table, a link is associated with most species. This link refers to some examples of photos of the specimen that exist in my library (feel free to refresh if the flickr page does not return any results). The table indicates, for each species, what type of photo I have (photo in situ or photo on a white background), and the place of taking a photo. The common names and the taxonomy (more or less up to date according to the specialists) are for information only. [IN PROGRESS…]
Liste de Serpents – Snakes List
Espèce / Species | Photo | F. blanc / Whiteback. | English name | Nom français | Taxonomy | Lieu / Location |
Acrochordus granulatus | X | X | Marine File Snake | Acrochordidae | INDONESIA | |
Afrotyphlops liberiensis | X | X | Liberia Blind Snake | Typhlopidae – Afrotyphlopinae | IVORY COAST | |
Agkistrodon bilineatus | X | Mexican Cantil | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | ||
Ahaetulla prasina | X | Oriental Whipsnake | Serpent liane oriental | Colubridae – Ahaetuliinae | MALAYSIA | |
Anilius scytale | X | Pipe Snake | Serpent à deux têtes | Aniliidae | FRENCH GUIANA | |
Aplopeltura boa | X | X | Blunthead Slug Snake | Pareidae | BORNEO | |
Aparallactus capensis | X | X | Cape Centipede-Eater | Atractaspididae | MALAWI | |
Asthenodipsas lasgalenensis | X | Mirkwood Forest Slug-eating Snake | Pareidae | MALAYSIA | ||
Atheris barbouri | X | X | Uzungwe Mountain Bush Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | TANZANIA | |
Atheris ceratophora | X | X | Usambara Eyelash Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | TANZANIA | |
Atheris chlorechis | X | X | Green Bush Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | IVORY COAST | |
Atheris desaixi | X | X | Mt Kenya Bush Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | KENYA | |
Atheris hispida | X | X | African Hairy Bush Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | UGANDA | |
Atheris mabuensis | X | X | Mont Mabu’s Forest Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOZAMBIQUE | |
Atheris matildae | X | X | Matilda’s Horned Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | TANZANIA | |
Atheris rungweensis | X | X | Mt Rungwe bush viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | TANZANIA | |
Atheris squamigera | X | X | Variable Bush Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | KENYA | |
Atractaspis bibronii | X | X | Southern Burrowing Asp | Lamprophiidae – Atractaspidinae | MOZAMBIQUE – MALAWI | |
Atractaspis engaddensis | X | X | Israeli Mole Viper | Lamprophiidae – Atractaspidinae | ISRAEL | |
Atractus badius | X | Boie’s Ground Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Atractus dunni | X | X | Dunn’s Ground Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | ECUADOR | |
Atractus elaps | X | X | Black Ground Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | ECUADOR | |
Atractus flammigerus | X | Flaming Ground Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Atractus major | X | X | Big Ground Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | ECUADOR | |
Atractus orcesi | X | X | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | ECUADOR | ||
Bitis arietans | X | Young only | Puff Adder | Vipère heurtante | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOROCCO |
Bitis gabonica | X | X | Gaboon Viper | Vipère du Gabon | Viperidae – Viperinae | UGANDA – KENYA |
Bitis nasicornis | X | X | Rhinoceros Viper | Vipère rhinocéros | Viperidae – Viperinae | UGANDA – IVORY COAST |
Bitis worthingtoni | X | X | Kenya Horned Viper | Vipère cornu du Kenya | Viperidae – Viperinae | KENYA |
Boa constrictor | X | X | Boa constrictor | Boa constricteur | Boidae – Boinae | FRENCH GUIANA – COSTA RICA |
Boaedon capensis | X | X | Cap House Snake | Serpent des maisons du Cap | Lamprophiidae – Lamprophiinae | MALAWI – MOZAMBIQUE |
Boaedon fuliginosus | X | X | African House Snake | Couleuvre commune d’Afrique | Lamprophiidae – Lamprophiinae | UGANDA – TANZANIA |
Boaedon virgatus | X | X | Hallowell’s House Snake | Lamprophiidae – Lamprophiinae | IVORY COAST | |
Boiga cynodon | X | Dog-toothed Cat Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MALAYSIA – BORNEO | ||
Boiga melanota (ex. dendrophila) | X | Banded Mangrove Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Boiga drapiezii | X | White-spotted Cat Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Boiga hoeseli | X | Colubridae – Colubrinae | INDONESIA | |||
Bothriechis aurifer | X | Yellow-blotched Palm Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | CAPTIVE | ||
Bothriechis lateralis | X | Side-striped palm pit viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | COSTA RICA | ||
Bothriechis nigroadspersus (ex schlegelii) | X | Central American Eyelash Pit-Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | COSTA RICA | ||
Bothrophthalmus lineatus | X | X | Red-Black Striped Snake | Lamprophiidae | IVORY COAST | |
Bothrops asper | X | X | Central American Lancehead | Viperidae – Crotalinae | COSTA RICA – MEXICO | |
Bothrops atrox | X | X | Common Lancehead | Trigonocéphale atroce | Viperidae – Crotalinae | FRENCH GUIANA – ECUADOR |
Bothrops bilineatus | X | X | Green Jararaca | Vrai jacquot | Viperidae – Crotalinae | ECUADOR |
Bothrops chloromelas | X | Viperidae – Crotalinae | CAPTIVE | |||
Bothrops matogrossensis | X | X | Mato Grosso Lancehead | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BRAZIL | |
Bothrops moojeni | X | X | Brazilian Lancehead | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BRAZIL | |
Bothrops taeniatus | X | X | Speckled Forest Pit Viper | Trigonocéphale de Castelnaud | Viperidae – Crotalinae | ECUADOR |
Calamaria schmidti | X | X | Schmidt’s Reed Snake | Colubridae – Calamariinae | BORNEO | |
Calliophis bivirgatus | X | Blue Malaysian Coral Snake | Elapidae | BORNEO | ||
Calliophis intestinalis | X | Banded Malaysian Coral Snake | Elapidae | MALAYSIA | ||
Calloselasma rhodostoma | X | Malayan Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Cerastes cerastes | X | X | Desert Horned Viper | Vipère à cornes | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOROCCO – ISRAEL |
Cerastes gasperettii | X | X | Arabian Horned Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | ISRAEL | |
Cerastes vipera | X | X | Sahara Sand Viper | Vipère de l’Erg | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOROCCO – ISRAEL |
Cerberus schneiderii | X | X | Dog-faced Water Snake | Homalopsidae | INDONESIA | |
Cerrophidion petlalcalensis | X | X | Godman’s montane Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Chironius fuscus | X | X | Brown Sipo | Chasseur masqué | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRENCH GUIANA – ECUADOR |
Chironius laurenti | X | Colubridae – Colubrinae | BRAZIL | |||
Chironius scurrulus | Young only | Young only | Wagler’s Sipo | Chasseur agouti | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ECUADOR |
Coniophanes fissidens | X | X | Yellowbelly Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | MEXICO | |
Conopsis acuta (lineata) | X | X | Lined Tolucan Ground Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Conopsis nasus | X | X | Largenose Earth Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Corallus caninus | X | Emerald Tree Boa | Boa canin | Boidae – Boinae | FRENCH GUIANA | |
Corallus hortulana | X | X | Amazon Tree Boa | Boa d’Amazonie | Boidae – Boinae | FRENCH GUIANA – ECUADOR |
Coronella austriaca | X | X | Smooth Snake | Coronelle lisse | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRANCE – SPAIN – ITALY – GEORGIA |
Coronella girondica | X | X | Southern Smooth Snake | Coronelle girondine | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRANCE |
Craspedocephalus borneensis | X | X | Bornean Palm Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BORNEO | |
Crotalus aquilus | X | X | Queretaran Dusky Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Crotalus basiliscus | X | Basilisk Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | ||
Crotalus mictlantecuhtli (ex. simus) | X | X | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | ||
Crotalus molossus (oaxacus) | X | X | Western Black-Tailed Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Crotalus ravus | X | X | Mexican Pygmy Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Crotalus simus | X | Central American Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | COSTA RICA | ||
Crotalus (scutulatus) salvini | X | X | Huamantlan Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Crotalus triseriatus | X | X | Western Dusky Rattlesnake | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Crotaphopeltis hotamboeia | X | X | Herald Snake | Colubridae | TANZANIA | |
Crotaphopeltis tornieri | X | X | Werner’s Water Snake | Colubridae | TANZANIA | |
Daboia mauritanica | Young only | Young only | Moorish Viper | Vipère de Maurétanie | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOROCCO |
Daboia palaestinae | X | X | Palestine Viper | Vipère de Paléstine | Viperidae – Viperinae | ISRAEL |
Dasypeltis atra | X | Montane Egg-eater | Colubridae – Colubrinae | UGANDA | ||
Dasypeltis medici | X | X | East African Egg Eater | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MALAWI | |
Dasypeltis sahelensis | X | X | Sahel Egg Eater | Serpent mangeur d’œufs du Sahel | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO |
Dendrelaphis caudolineatus | X | Striped Bronzeback | Colubridae – Ahaetuliinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Dendrelaphis inornatus | X | Bronzeback | Colubridae – Ahaetuliinae | INDONESIA | ||
Dendroaspis jamesoni | Poor | Jameson’s Mamba | Elapidae | UGANDA | ||
Dendroaspis angusticeps | X | X | Eastern Green Mamba | Mamba vert d’Afrique de l’Est | Elapidae | TANZANIA |
Dendrophidion dendrophis | X | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ECUADOR | |||
Dendrophidion graciliverpa | X | X | Cadle’s Forest Racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ECUADOR | |
Dendrophidion percarinatum | X | X | South American Forest Racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA | |
Diaphorolepis wagneri | X | X | Ecuador Frog-eating Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Dipsadoboa brevirostris | X | X | Shorthead Rear-fanged Tree Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IVORY COAST | |
Dipsadoboa montisilva | X | X | Montane Forest Tree Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOZAMBIQUE | |
Dipsadoboa unicolor | X | X | Günther’s Green Tree Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IVORY COAST | |
Dipsadoboa underwoodi | X | X | Underwood’s Nocturnal Tree Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IVORY COAST | |
Dipsas andiana | X | X | Andean Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Dipsas bucephala | X | Big-headed Snail-eating Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | ||
Dipsas catesbyi | X | X | Catesby’s Snail-eater | Dipsas à nuque rousse | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR |
Dipsas cisticeps | X | X | Neotropical Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Dipsas elegans | X | Young only | Elegant Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Dipsas gaigae | X | X | Gaige’s Thirst Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | MEXICO | |
Dipsas indica | X | X | Big-headed Snail-eating Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA – ECUADOR | |
Dipsas pavonina | X | Northern Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Dipsas temporalis | X | X | Temporal Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Dipsas variegata | X | Bahia Snail-eater | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Dispholidus typus | X | X | Boomslang | Colubridae | TANZANIA – MALAWI | |
Drepanoides anomalus | X | Black-collared Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Drymarchon corais | X | X | Yellow-tailed Indigo Snake | Chasseur indigo | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ECUADOR |
Drymarchon melanurus | X | X | Central American Indigo Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Echis carinatus | X | Saw-scaled Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | IRAN | ||
Echis coloratus | X | X | Palestine Saw-scaled Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | ISRAEL | |
Echis pyramidum (leucogaster) | X | X | Egyptian Saw-scaled Viper | Vipère des pyramides | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOROCCO |
Eirenis persicus | X | Dark Head Dwarf-racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | ||
Eirenis punctatolineatus | X | Dotted Dwarf Racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | ||
Enulius flavitorques | X | X | Pacific Longtail Snake | Colubridae – Dipsadinae | COSTA RICA | |
Erythrolamprus aesculapii | X | X | Aesculapian False Coral Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Epicrates cenchria | X | X | Western Rainbow Boa | Boa arc-en-ciel | Boidae | ECUADOR |
Erythrolamprus poecilogyrus | X | X | Yellow-bellied Liophis | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Erythrolamprus reginae | X | X | Royal Ground Snake | Couresse royale | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA – ECUADOR |
Eryx colubrinus | X | X | East African Sand Boa | Boa-javelot d’Afrique de l’Est | Boidae – Erycinae | KENYA |
Eryx jaculus | X | European Sandboa | Boa-javelot occidental | Boidae – Erycinae | GREECE | |
Eryx jayakari | X | Arabian Sand Boa | Boidae – Erycinae | IRAN | ||
Eryx miliaris | X | Desert Sand Boa | Boidae – Erycinae | IRAN | ||
Eunectes akayima | X | Northern Green Anaconda | Anaconda vert du Nord | Boidae – Boinae | ECUADOR | |
Eunectes murinus | X | Southern Green Anaconda | Anaconda vert du Sud | Boidae – Boinae | FRENCH GUIANA | |
Eunectes notaeus | X | X | Yellow Anaconda | Anaconda jaune | Boidae – Boinae | BRAZIL |
Fordonia leucobalia | X | Crab-eating Snake | Homalopsidae | MALAYSIA | ||
Garthius chaseni | X | Chasen’s Mountain Pitviper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BORNEO | ||
Geophis hoffmanni | X | X | Hoffmann’s Earth Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | COSTA RICA | |
Gloydius halys | X | Halys Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | IRAN | ||
Gonionotophis klingi | X | X | Kling’s File Snake | Lamprophiidae | IVORY COAST | |
Gonyosoma oxycephalum | Poor | Red-tailed Green Ratsnake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | BORNEO | ||
Hapsidophrys smaragdinus | X | X | Emerald Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IVORY COAST | |
Hebius flavifrons | X | X | White-fronted Water Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | BORNEO | |
Hebius inas | X | Malayan Mountain Keelback | Colubridae – Natricinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Helicops angulatus | X | Mountain Keelback | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Helicops leopardinus | X | X | Leopard Keelback | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA – BRAZIL | |
Helicops pastazae | X | X | Shreve’s Keelback | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Hemorrhois algirus | X | X | Algerian Whip Snake | Couleuvre d’Algérie | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO |
Hemorrhois hippocrepis | X | Horseshoe Whip Snake | Couleuvre fer-à-cheval | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO | |
Hemorrhois ravergieri | X | Spotted Whip Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | ||
Hierophis gemonensis | X | Balkan Whip Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MONTENEGRO | ||
Hierophis viridiflavus | X | X | Western Whip Snake | Couleuvre verte et jaune | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRANCE |
Hormonotus modestus | X | X | Uganda House Snake | Lamprophiidae | IVORY COAST | |
Hydrophis platurus | X | X | Yellow-bellied Sea Snake | Elapidae – Hydrophiinae | COSTA RICA | |
Hydrops caesurus | X | X | Mud Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Imantodes inornatus | X | X | Speckled Blunt-headed Tree Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Imantodes cenchoa | X | X | Blunt-headed Tree Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA – COSTA RICA – MEXICO – ECUADOR | |
Indotyphlops braminus | X | X | Flowerpot Snake | Typhlopidae – Asiatyphlopinae | INDONESIA | |
Lachesis stenophrys | X | Central American Bushmaster | Viperidae – Crotalinae | COSTA RICA | ||
Lampropeltis polyzona | X | X | West Mexican Milksnake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Lampropeltis ruthveni | X | X | Ruthvens Kingsnake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Lampropeltis triangulum | Poor | Eastern Milk Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA | ||
Leptodeira annulata (& Leptodeira approximans) | X | X | Banded Cat-eyed Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA – BRAZIL – ECUADOR | |
Leptodeira frenata | X | X | Rainforest Cat-eyed Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | MEXICO | |
Leptodeira splendida | X | X | Splendid Cat-eyed Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | MEXICO | |
Leptophis ahaetulla | X | Giant Parrot Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Leptophis diplotropis | Molting | Molting | Pacific Coast Parrot Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Leptotyphlops merkeri | X | X | Merker’s thread Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | KENYA – TANZANIA | |
Limaformosa capensis | X | X | Cape File Snake | Lamprophiidae | MALAWI | |
Loxocemus bicolor | X | X | Mexican Burrowing Python | Loxocemidae | COSTA RICA | |
Lycodon butleri | X | Butler’s Wolf Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Lycodon capucinus | X | X | Common Wolf Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | INDONESIA | |
Lycophidion capense | X | X | Cape Wolf Snake | Lamprophiidae | KENYA – TANZANIA | |
Lytorhynchus diadema | X | X | Crowned Leafnose Snake | Couleuvre fouisseuse à diadème | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO – ISRAEL |
Lytorhynchus ridgewayi | X | Derafshi Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | ||
Macrocalamus chanardi | X | Chan-ard Mountain Reed Snake | Colubridae – Calamariinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Macroprotodon brevis | X | X | Iberian False Smooth Snake | Couleuvre à capuchon occidentale | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO |
Macroprotodon cucullatus | X | X | False Smooth Snake | Couleuvre à capuchon | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ISRAEL |
Macrovipera lebetinus | X | X | Levantine Viper | Vipère lébétine | Viperidae | GEORGIA |
Malayopython reticulatus | X | Reticulated Python | Python réticulé | Pythonidae | MALAYSIA | |
Malpolon insignitus | X | Eastern Montpellier Snake | Couleuvre de Montpellier orientale | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | GREECE – MONTENEGRO | |
Malpolon moilensis (= Rhagerhis moilensis) | X | X | False Cobra | Couleuvre de Moïla | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | MOROCCO |
Malpolon monspessulanus | X | X | Montpellier Snake | Couleuvre de Montpellier | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | FRANCE – SPAIN – MOROCCO |
Mussurana bicolor | X | X | Bicoloured Mussurana | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Masticophis mentovarius | Poor | Neotropical Whip Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA – MEXICO | ||
Mastigodryas boddaerti | X | Boddaert’s Tropical Racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRENCH GUIANA – BRAZIL | ||
Mastigodryas melanolomus | X | Salmon-bellied Racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA | ||
Metlapilcoatlus nummifer | X | X | Mexican Jumping Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Micrurus elegans | Young only | Young only | Elegant Coral Snake | Elapidae | MEXICO | |
Micrurus hemprichii | X | Hemprich’s Coral Snake | Micrure d’Hemprich | Elapidae | FRENCH GUIANA | |
Micrurus lemniscatus | X | X | Ribbon Coralsnake | Corail à col rouge | Elapidae | ECUADOR |
Micrurus mosquitensis | X | X | Costa Rican Coral Snake | Elapidae | COSTA RICA | |
Micrurus nigrocinctus | X | X | Central American Coral Snake | Elapidae | COSTA RICA | |
Micrurus ornatissimus | X | X | Ornate Coral snake | Elapidae | ECUADOR | |
Mixcoatlus melanurus | X | X | Black-tailed horned Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Montatheris hindii | X | X | Kenya Montane Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | KENYA | |
Myriopholis algeriensis | X | Gambia Blind Snake | Leptotyphlops d’Algérie | Leptotyphlopidae – Leptotyphlopinae | MOROCCO | |
Myriopholis longicauda | X | X | Long-tailed Thread Snake | Leptotyphlops à longue queue | Leptotyphlopidae – Leptotyphlopinae | MALAWI |
Myriopholis macrorhyncha | X | Hook-snouted worm snake | Leptotyphlopidae – Leptotyphlopinae | IRAN | ||
Naja haje | X | Egyptian Cobra | Cobra d’Afrique du Nord | Elapidae | MOROCCO | |
Naja mossambica | X | X | Mozambique Spitting Cobra | Cobra cracheur du Mozambique | Elapidae | MALAWI |
Naja nigrocollis | Young only | Young only | Black-necked Spitting Cobra | Cobra cracheur noir | Elapidae | TANZANIA |
Naja subfulva | X | X | Brown Forest Cobra | Cobra brun des forêts | Elapidae | UGANDA – MALAWI |
Natriciteres olivacea | X | X | Olive Grass Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | TANZANIA – MALAWI | |
Natriciteres sylvatica | X | X | Forest Marsh Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | TANZANIA | |
Natriciteres variegata | X | X | Variable Marsh Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | IVORY COAST | |
Natrix astreptophora | X | X | Iberian Grass Snake | Couleuvre astreptophore | Colubridae – Natricinae | FRANCE – SPAIN |
Natrix helvetica | X | X | Barred Grass Snake | Couleuvre helvétique | Colubridae – Natricinae | FRANCE |
Natrix maura | X | X | Viperine Snake | Couleuvre vipérine | Colubridae – Natricinae | FRANCE – SPAIN – MOROCCO |
Natrix natrix | X | Grass Snake | Couleuvre à collier | Colubridae – Natricinae | MONTENEGRO | |
Natrix tessellata | X | Dice Snake | Couleuvre tessellée | Colubridae – Natricinae | IRAN-MONTENEGRO | |
Ninia atrata | X | X | Hallowell’s Coffee Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Ninia hudsoni | X | X | Hudson’s Coffee Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Ninia maculata | X | X | Spotted Coffee Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | COSTA RICA | |
Ninia sebae | X | X | Red Coffee Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | COSTA RICA | |
Ophryacus undulatus | X | X | Mexican Horned Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MEXICO | |
Oxybelis brevirostris | X | X | Cope’s Vine Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA – ECUADOR | |
Oxybelis koehleri | X | X | Mexican Vine Snake | Serpent liane mexicain | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA |
Oxybelis fulgidus | X | Green Vine Snake | Serpent liane de Daudin | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRENCH GUIANA | |
Oxyrhopus aff. melanogenys | X | Black-headed Calico Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Oxyrhopus guibei | X | X | Guibe´s Flame Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Oxyrhopus occipitalis | X | X | Yellow-headed Flame-Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Oxyrhopus petolarius | X | X | Forest Flame Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | COSTA RICA – ECUADOR | |
Pareas margaritophorus | X | White-spotted slug snake | Pareidae | MALAYSIA | ||
Philothamnus angolensis | X | X | Angola Green Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | TANZANIA – MALAWI | |
Philothamnus hoplogaster | X | X | Southeastern Green snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | TANZANIA | |
Philothamnus macrops | X | X | Usambara Green Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | TANZANIA | |
Philothamnus punctatus | X | X | Spotted Green Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | TANZANIA | |
Philothamnus semivariegatus | X | X | Spotted Bush Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | UGANDA – MALAWI | |
Pituophis deppei | X | X | Mexican Bull Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | |
Platyceps najadum | X | Dahl’s Whip Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN – GREECE | ||
Platyceps ventromaculatus | X | Glossy-bellied Racer | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | ||
Pliocercus euryzonus | X | X | Black Halloween Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Porthidium ophryomegas | X | X | Slender Hognose Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | COSTA RICA | |
Proatheris superciliaris | X | X | Lowland Swamp Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | MALAWI | |
Prosymna semifasciata | X | X | Banded shovel-snout | Colubridae – Prosymnidae | TANZANIA | |
Prosymna stuhlmanni | X | X | East African Shovel-Snout | Colubridae – Prosymnidae | TANZANIA | |
Protobothrops mangshanensis | X | Mangshan pit-viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | CAPTIVE | ||
Psammodynastes pulverulentus | X | X | Common Mock Viper | Lamprophiidae | INDONESIA | |
Psammophis mossambicus | X | Olive Whip Snake | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | UGANDA | ||
Psammophis orientalis | X | Eastern Stripe-bellied Sand Snake | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | MALAWI | ||
Psammophis schokari | X | X | Schokari sand racer | Couleuvre de Forskal | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | MOROCCO – ISRAEL |
Psammophis tanganicus | X | X | Tanganyika Sand Snake | Lamprophiidae – Psammophiinae | KENYA | |
Pseudoboa coronata | X | X | Crowned False Boa | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Pseudoboa neuwiedii | X | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | |||
Pseudocerastes fieldi | X | X | Field’s Horned Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | ISRAEL | |
Pseudocerastes persicus | X | Persian Horned Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | IRAN | ||
Pseudocerastes urarachnoides | X | Spider-tailed horned Viper | Viperidae – Viperinae | IRAN | ||
Pseudoeryx plicatilis | X | X | South American Pond Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Pseudorabdion longiceps | X | Dwarf Reed Snake | Colubridae – Calamariinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Psomophis genimaculatus | X | X | Spirit Ground Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Python sebae | X | African Rock Python | Python de Seba | Pythonidae | IVORY COAST | |
Salvadora bairdi | X | Baird’s Patchnose Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | ||
Senticolis triaspis | X | Green Ratsnake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA – MEXICO | ||
Sibon nebulatus | X | X | Cloudy Snail-eating | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA – COSTA RICA – ECUADOR | |
Siphlophis cervinus | X | Panama Spotted Night Snake | Siphlophide arlequin | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | |
Siphlophis compressus | X | X | Panama Spotted Night Snake | Siphlophide à tête orangée | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR |
Spalerosophis diadema | X | Diadem Snake | Couleuvre diadème | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | |
Spalerosophis dolichospilus | X | X | Mograbin Diadem Snake | Couleuvre diadème du Maghreb | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO |
Storeria storerioides | X | X | Mexican Brown Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | MEXICO | |
Taeniophallus brevirostris | X | X | Short-nosed Litter-Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | ECUADOR | |
Tantilla bocourti | X | Bocourt’s Black-headed Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MEXICO | ||
Telescopus dhara | X | X | Arabian Cat Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ISRAEL | |
Telescopus fallax | X | X | European Catsnake | Couleuvre-chat d’Europe | Colubridae – Colubrinae | GREECE – MONTENEGRO – GEORGIA |
Telescopus hoogstraali | X | X | Desert Tiger Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ISRAEL | |
Telescopus tripolitanus | X | X | North African Catsnake | Couleuvre-chat d’Afrique du Nord | Colubridae – Colubrinae | MOROCCO |
Thamnodynastes chaquensis | X | Chaco Mock Viper | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | ||
Thamnodynastes lanei | X | X | Pantanal Mock Viper | Colubridae – Dispadinae | BRAZIL | |
Thamnodynastes pallidus | X | Amazon Coastal House Snake | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | ||
Thamnophis conanti | X | X | Conant’s garter snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | MEXICO | |
Thamnophis cyrtopsis | X | X | Black-necked Gartersnake | Colubridae – Natricinae | MEXICO | |
Thamnophis pulchrilatus | X | X | Yellow-throated garter snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | MEXICO | |
Thamnophis scalaris | X | X | Longtail Alpine Garter Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | MEXICO | |
Thamnophis scaliger | X | X | Short-tail Alpine Garter Snake | Colubridae – Natricinae | MEXICO | |
Thelotornis kirtlandii | X | X | African Vine Snake | Serpent liane africain | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IVORY COAST |
Thelotornis mossambicanus | X | X | Eastern Twig Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | TANZANIA | |
Thelotornis usambaricus | X | X | Usambara Vine Snake | Serpent liane d’Usambara | Colubridae – Colubrinae | TANZANIA |
Thrasops schmidti | X | Schmidt’s Bold-eyed Tree Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | KENYA | ||
Toxicodryas blandingii | X | Blanding Tree snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | UGANDA – KENYA | ||
Toxicodryas pulverulenta | X | X | Fischer’s Cat Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IVORY COAST | |
Trimeresurus fucatus | X | Siamese Peninsula Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Trimeresurus insularis | X | X | Blue White-lipped Island Pitviper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | INDONESIA | |
Trimeresurus malcolmi | Young only | Young only | Kinabalu Green Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BORNEO | |
Trimeresurus nebularis | X | Cameron Highlands Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Trimeresurus purpureomaculatus | X | Mangrove Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | MALAYSIA | ||
Trimeresurus sabahi | X | Sabah Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BORNEO | ||
Trimeresurus sumatranus | X | Sumatran pit viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BORNEO | ||
Trimorphodon biscutatus | X | X | Western Lyre Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | COSTA RICA – MEXICO | |
Tropidolaemus subannulatus | X | X | Bornean Keeled Green Pit Viper | Viperidae – Crotalinae | BORNEO | |
Tropidophis boulengeri | X | X | Northern Eyelash Boa | Boa pygmé de Boulenger | Tropidophiidae | ECUADOR |
Vipera ammodytes | X | Nose-horned Viper | Vipère ammodyte | Viperidae – Viperinae | GREECE – MONTENEGRO | |
Vipera aspis | X | X | Asp viper | Vipère aspic | Viperidae – Viperinae | FRANCE – ITALY – SPAIN – SWITZERLAND |
Vipera berus | X | X | Adder | Vipère péliade | Viperidae – Viperinae | FRANCE |
Vipera darevskii | X | X | Darevsky’s Viper | Vipère de Darevsky | Viperidae – Viperinae | GEORGIA |
Vipera dinniki | X | X | Dinnik’s Viper | Vipère de Dinnik | Viperidae – Viperinae | GEORGIA |
Vipera kaznakovi | X | X | Caucasian Viper | Vipère du Caucase | Viperidae – Viperinae | GEORGIA |
Vipera latastei | X | X | Lataste’s Viper | Vipère de Lataste | Viperidae – Viperinae | SPAIN |
Vipera monticola | X | Morocco Moutain Viper | Vipère de l’Atlas | Viperidae – Viperinae | MOROCCO | |
Vipera transcaucasiana | X | X | Black Sea Viper | Vipère de la Mer Noire | Viperidae – Viperinae | GEORGIA |
Vipera seoanei | X | X | Seoane’s Viper | Vipère de Seoane | Viperidae – Viperinae | FRANCE – SPAIN |
Vipera ursinii | X | X | Ursini’s Viper | Vipère d’Orsini | Viperidae – Viperinae | FRANCE |
Vipera walser | X | X | Walser’s Viper | Vipère de Walser | Viperidae – Viperinae | ITALY |
Xenochrophis trianguligerus | X | Red triangle keelback | Colubridae – Natricinae | BORNEO | ||
Xenopeltis unicolor | X | Asian Sunbeam Snake | Xenopeltidae | MALAYSIA | ||
Xenopholis scalaris | X | Colubridae – Dispadinae | FRENCH GUIANA | |||
Xenoxybelis argenteus | X | X | Striped Sharpnose Snake | Philodryade argentée | Colubridae – Colubrinae | ECUADOR |
Xerotyphlops vermicularis = Typhlops vermicularis | X | X | Eurasian Blind Snake | Typhlops vermiculaire | Typhlopidae – Asiatyphlopinae | GREECE – IRAN – GEORGIA |
Zamenis longissimus | X | X | Aesculapian Snake | Couleuvre d’Esculape | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRANCE |
Zamenis persicus | X | Persian Rat Snake | Colubridae – Colubrinae | IRAN | ||
Zamenis scalaris (= Rhinechis scalaris) | X | X | Ladder Snake | Couleuvre à échelons | Colubridae – Colubrinae | FRANCE – SPAIN |
Zamenis situla | X | Leopard Snake | Couleuvre léopardine | Colubridae – Colubrinae | GREECE – MONTENEGRO |